Selection for a Christmas made in France and Holland
★ board games, imitation games, creative games ★
Our "Go back in time" puzzles
Do you like puzzles ? You'll love the ones from Pirouette Cacahuète :)
We dreamed since our childhood to travel in time... and one day, eureka ! We created the "Go back in time" puzzles.
Through this collection of puzzles, we invite children to put the worlds of today and the past in parallel ..., to go back to the origins of life on Earth, of life in our cities, and to observe the Evolution.
Bon voyage to the times of the dinosaurs, prehistory, castles, the Mayas and the Farwest !

★ Puzzles made in Holland ★
And more on our website, SURPRISE of 10 YEARS : a giant colouring poster will be offered to you in each of your orders !