Our values Eco-friendly
The Pirouette Cacahouète journey begings in 2010 strongly believing that gathering economy and ecology is achievable. This belief is based on three main values : local manufacturing, the ecology in the center of all concerns, human adventure.

Picking local suppliers because of divergent reasons : reducing our carbon footprint, co-building our projects and improving our ideas with men and machines, taking part of local economy. We are convinced that both handy craft and industry are valuable, they are the basis of our economy. Don't only be commercials but makers too.

A huge part of the Pirouette Cacahouète catalogue is certified "Origine Corrèze"
Picking recyclable and/or recycled materials, paper from well managed forest and other controlled sources. Limiting as much as we can all plastic use. We want to preserve our planete, so that the animal, vegetal and human world last. A solution is close to our reach : less and better consume !
Spotlight to : certification

We want our games made by all and for all. We made the choice of a partnership with disabled workers from ADAPEI in Corrèze department, who pack our games and manage logistic.

A short walk to "l'ADAPEI"